Return & Exchange

Online Returns & Exchanges


We are proud to offer 100% satisfaction guaranteed on all products. You can return or exchange the items you purchased if the item is unwornundamaged, and tags not removed within 14 days from the date of delivery. We do not charged restocking fees (or any other fees).


You can initiate a return by emailing along with

  • The items you wish to return
  • Your order number

We will provide you with a shipping label if you live in the US. For addresses outside of US and for an already exchanged item, you would need to ship the returns back to us.

After your return has been received and inspected (2-3 business days), we will send you an email notifying you that we have received the returned product, and whether or not the return has been approved for a refund. Please note that shipping costs cannot be refunded (in the event that you paid for shipping). 

All approved refunds will be credited to your original method of payment. If the refund is being issued to a credit card, depending on your credit card company, it may take an additional 2-10 business days after the return is processed to be posted to your account.


You can initiate a free exchange (up to 2 times per order) by emailing along with:

  • The item name and your desired size
  • Your order number 

We will provide you with a shipping label, if you are in the US. For addresses outside of US, you would need to ship the package back to us. 

After your exchange has been received and inspected (2-3 business days), we will start processing your exchange item(s). Generally, your exchange package will be shipped in 3 business days after the inspection is complete.